Making money online without any form of investment
Many people I interacted with have asked me this: is making money online without any form of investment possible? as a total beginner?
In order to respond to this question, I asked them a question: Do you think you can make money online as a total beginner? If yes, what makes you ask? If no, what do you think of people who write blog posts to make money online?
Here is my sincere answer to that question.
My answer to that is yes, it is possible to make money online without any form of investment. However, in order to achieve this you need the following:
1. A mobile phone
2. Good internet connection
3. A laptop or tablet
With the above, let’s now explore ways to make money online. If those items are missing, then forget the idea of making money online.
Here are the steps of how I was able to raise my first $100 without spending any dimes:
1. Listening to YouTube tutorials
I was listening to YouTube tutorials for over 3 months to
I found the info I had gathered about making money online satisfying, true or false. So, make sure I watch enough.
2. Practicing whatever I learn
Each time I learned something new, I was able to put everything into practice. Whether it worked or not, I was always trying.
3. Making inquiries
I always asked those I thought were better at online entrepreneurship than me.
4. Follow a mentor
To succeed in this online business, find a mentor. Trust them to teach you the proven, step-by-step methods.
5. Be Consistent
If you have set your goals right, you will be consistent in what you are doing until you make it happen.
Do you have another job, work on your goals weekly. If not, please work on them daily.
6. When you fail, do not quit.
Remember the saying: winners don’t quit, and quitters never win. This should act as the backbone of your journey.
I won’t make fake promises. You may fail on this journey. Treat failures as chances to grow.
Those who say, “Pay for this course. Those who claim, “I’ll teach you, and you’ll withdraw cash immediately,” are liars.
Making money online is like any other business. It requires your time and effort. If you can’t invest time in this, forget about it.
I am teaching you a truth. I have tried it, and it worked. Now, I am using the same method of making money online withoutanyformofinvestment i used.
Did I once fail and think it didn’t work? Yes, I almost gave up. I tried to earn online but got nothing for 7 months.
But I did not quit. So, I write to you today. You can try what I did and get the same or better results.
The money you can make online is directly proportional to the time you invest. If you put in the very best, then you will be able to be among the list of those that say making money online is real and easy.
Here are the best side hustles for beginners.
Microworkers: I tried to make money on this site. Even now, as I write to you, I am using micro-workers.
This site has the potential to earn you up to $50 to $60 a week depending on the following factors:
The amount of time you spend on the site
Your country affects your earning potential. This site allows all countries to have accounts. Certain tasks may not be available in countries not on the list to disperse the task.
The skills you have, if you have multiple skills, you will be able to complete a number of tasks on the platform. The more tasks you complete, the more money you’llget, if they are marked satisfactory.
If your tasks get a “not satisfied” rating, you won’t be paid. This may harm your account’s success rates. So, always follow the employer’s instructions. It will help you succeed.
Type of tastes found on microcoworkers
1. Surveys
2. SEO tasks
3. Social media tasks such as liking a Facebook page or subscribing to a YouTube channel, and you get paid.
4. Writing Reviews of Certain Products
5. Promotional tasks that ask you to promote certain products on your website or social media.
6. Blogs, etc.
Jumaworkers: is another microtask site I have used. I still use it because it is easy to submit tasks, and it is beginner-friendly.
Jumaworkers, like microworkers, have many tasks that take 2 to 3 minutes to complete. Some types of tasks that can be foundon Jumaworkerss include:;
1. Surveys
2. SEO tasks
3. Social media tasks such as liking a Facebook page or subscribing to a YouTube channel, and you get paid.
4. Writing Reviews of Certain Products
5. Promotional takes are where you are asked to promote certain products on your website or social media platforms.
6. Blogs, etc.
Honeygain app: It’s a legit site that pays its users. Honeygain can pay customers $20 within a week.
If you want to earn more on Honeygain, then you need to do the following:
1. Make sure you have connected a number of gadgets.
2. Refer a number of people.
3. Have access to an internet connection
4. Share the internet and play the Honeygain pot game every day.
Other platforms to make money online include Fiverr and Upwork. These are similar sites that have the same earning potential. You can make money on this site by simply selling your gigs. Make sure to have a beautiful profile picture to sell your gigs.
Making money online is not difficult. You can use the methods we discussed. All the sites and apps I have mentioned are legitimate, and I was able to withdraw money from. These sites have amazing earning potential. They do not disappoint in withholding your earnings. I wish you all the best in your journey if you want to start making money online.
If you have questions or want to be my apprentice, please leave a comment below. I will be glad to help you and show you how making money without any form of investment, is done and be part of your future success.
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